Category: Writing Journey

Writing Journey

Book is Done

It is exciting to have the book done finally. It is at the printers. It is a bit stressful because of last-minute delays; it was a week overdue on a super tight timeline. The book launch party is scheduled for June 14th, at Tsunami Books at 5 pm. I have to have print copies of […]

Writing Journey

Marketing & Fundraising

I didn’t know when I wrote my first novel (link in comments) that self-publishing would involve spending so much time on marketing. I read that successful indie authors spend 20% of their time writing and 80% marketing. One reason I closed my herbal product business was because I hate marketing. While I can handle Facebook, […]

Writing Journey

Cover is Finally Done

I am very excited to share the “Circle for the Earth” cover! It was quite a journey to get the cover done. I did not want to go with just AI, finding a human to draw the building I had imagined for the cover was more time-consuming and difficult than I imagined. After using several […]

Writing Journey

Progress Update

Last week, my book came back from the developmental editor, Nakiska Papenfuss from Reflection Harbor. She did a wonderful job with an overall look at plot structure, and characters, pointing out what needed improvement. The book will be better due to her input. It is now in the hands of a copy editor, Michael Pilgram, due […]

Writing Journey

Writing my first novel

March 28, 2024 As a lifelong avid reader, I’ve always been a bit addicted to books, often choosing to read instead of gardening or working. I read five to seven average-sized books a week. Mostly science fiction, with occasionally historical fiction and popular bestsellers. However, my favorite genre is stories about modern people going back […]

Writing Journey

Artificial Intelligence Art

There is a lot of controversy about AI art these days. Microsoft has the new CoPilot, and many design programs like Canva and Adobe have it. There are many free and paid AI image generators online. They are becoming insidious; some are worried it will destroy the livelihood of artists. It might also make human-created […]


Readers Feedback

Loved Circle For the Earth


4 days ago
Impressive All Around!


7 days ago
3d book display image of Circle for the Earth

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